Lotions and Potions
Relief for dry skin
This is for anyone that may suffer from dry skin.
2-9oz. bottles of Johnsons Baby Lotion (Equate works just as good)
1-7.5 oz. jar of petroleum jelly (any brand will do)
1-2 oz. bottle of Vitamin E oil (you can get it at Wal-Mart by the vitamins. The brand name is Spring Valley.
Put all of the ingredients in a big bowl and mix up well with your mixer. Put in jars with a lid.
I thought it was a little greasy at first, but after a few minutes, my skin soaked it up and it just feels wonderful. I will never use any other kind of lotion on my skin.
15 oz baby lotion ( like Baby Magic or any pink baby lotion) 15 oz jar Skin Cream with Vitamin E
Medium size jar of Vaseline.
Mix together in a ziplock bag and knead. Cut corner to squeeze lotion into container.
You can pick up the 3 items at Family Dollar, General Dollar, or Dollar Tree store for about $3.50. If lucky you may find some nice container there too. I have made a double batch, but don't use a bag for it....can get real messy. Better to use bowl & your mixer. Just be sure to clean them well!
Skin/Foot Cream
16 oz. jar of petroleum jelly - Dollar General Brand - $1
16 oz. jar of DeLon Vitamin E creme - Dollar General - $1
16 oz. bottle of baby lotion - sleepy time - chamomille and lavandar -
Dollar General Brand - $1.
Mix altogether (I use my hand) using a large plastic bowl. Just put into any jars you may have sitting around.
I don't think this would be too invigorating. My 87 year old Mother uses it all of the time.
I think I am going to add an equal amount Vitamin A creme the next time I make a batch. As you can see, it's equal amounts of each so you would not have to make all of this at once...maybe a half cup of
each until you see if you like it.
Custom - Scented Body Lotion
1/8 tsp. Borax 1/4 cup distilled water 1/2 cup almond oil
1 tbs. grated beeswax Fragranced essential oil, your choice of scent(s)
Combine borax and distilled water; set aside. Heat almond oil and beeswax together until beeswax is almost melted. Remove from heat and stir. Heat borax and water mixture to almost boiling. Slowly pour water into heated oils while stirring with a wire whisk. Once the water is completely mixed into the oils allow the mixture to cool. Once it is completely cool add the essential oil or oils of your choice for fragrance. Makes about 8 ounces.
1 tsp. lemon juice 2 tsp. glycerin
Use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for every 2 teaspoons of glycerin.
1 pt. pure aloe gel 1 oz. (tube) zinc oxide paste 2 T. sunflower oil Few drops vitamin E oil
Whip ingredients together. Store in a container. Smooth over damp skin after a shower or bath.
Silky Hands: Mix 1 tablespoon baby oil with 1 teaspoon sugar. Rub the mixture into your hands for at least a minute, wash hands. This oil/scrub will make your hands silky and smooth. You can also use body lotion instead of the baby oil.
Apply a light coat of almond oil as a facial moisturizer.
Hand Sanitizer If you have any empty bottles that had sanitizer in it, refill it for pennies with this recipe...
1 c 100% aloe vera gel 1 tsp rubbing alcohol 2 tsp glycerin 6-8 drops eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil
Blend well and store in a clean jar or bottle. Use as you would any store-bought sanitizer...
MOST BABY LOTIONS are double-action products that gently cleanse and moisturize at the same time.
If you have a tendency to over cleanse, these products are perfect because they won't strip skin of its natural oils.
BABY MOISTURIZERS are great for all skin types but the heavier ones are perfect for drier skin.
Mix a few teaspoons of almond oil with a drop or two of your favorite essential oil, for an aromatic body moisturizer.
Baby oil: Rub on after bath or shower when skin is still damp. This seems to re-hydrate the skin much better than lotion and gives you a nice silky look and feel!
1/2 to 2/3 C. granulated sugar Juice of 1 lemon
Mix sugar and lemon juice to form a paste.
While showering invigorate your skin with the paste. Use the inside of the lemon rind to rub heels and elbows.
1 jar of Vitamin E Cream 1 bottle of Baby Lotion 1 jar of Vaseline
All purchased at the Dollar Store. Mix all together and put in jars.
I've made this hand cream ever since I found the recipe here and it is GREAT! Thank you to who ever came up with this recipe.
Curing Dry Skin:
An oatmeal bath is absolutely great for dry skin and feels wonderfully refreshing on a hot day. Here's an easy way to create an oatmeal bath:
Pour about a cup or so of oatmeal into a cheese cloth and tie or rubber band the top. Hang this under the faucet as the bath water is running. You can then remove it from the faucet and use it as a soothing sponge for bathing to soften and moisturize skin -- and no messy clean up!
Dry Skin Treatment:
An oatmeal bath is absolutely great for dry skin and feels wonderfully refreshing on a hot day. Here's an easy way to create an oatmeal bath without the usual mess:
Pour about 1 cup of oatmeal into a cheesecloth or piece of netting and tie or rubber band the top. Hang this under the faucet as the bath water is running. You can then remove it from the faucet and use it as a soothing sponge to soften and moisturize skin—and no messy cleanup!
Making Your Own Hand Cream:
Mix two parts glycerin to one part lemon juice. Massage a little into your hands after washing and at bedtime. It only takes a little to do the job. Glycerin is available in the hand cream section at the drug store and is very inexpensive.
I buy the “light tasting” olive oil in the supermarket, and find that it has barely any scent at all. Then I “infuse” it with chamomile and rosemary (actually, just dump the herbs in and let them steep for awhile), and it takes on a very nice chamomile/rosemary scent. I use that ”infused” oil as my skin moisturizer, and it looks, feels, and smells wonderful!
Baking Soda
I recently read that Queen Latifah uses baking soda mixed with a little water to exfoliate her skin. It rinses off easily and I find that it works just as well as the expensive products - and it's always in the house!
A Basic Lotion
Melt together: ¼ c. vegetable oil of choice ¼ c. stearic acid
Gently warm: ½ c. distilled water ¼ c. glycerine 1 t. liquid lecithin ½ t. sodium bicarbonate
You can use infused oil, or an herbal tea for the water. Though it’s not as oily as many lotions, two drops is about all your hands will need. After a minute or so, the skin will feel satiny.
Softening Hands and Feet:
Rub your hands and feet, especially those dry, cracked heels, with a mixture of equal proportions of cooking oil and granulated sugar. I do it sitting on the edge of the tub, prior to a shower and, boy, does it work!
Most recipes for creams follow this procedure. Waxes are melted in one container while oils are warmed in another. All ingredients should be at about the same temperature when you mix them together or the mixture may curdle. You can substitute any suitable herb infusion for the rosewater.
4tbs lanolin 1 tsp zinc oxide ointment 2 fl onces almond oil 1/8 tsp borax
6 drops essential oil of rose 3 tbs rose water 1 tbs glycerin
Melt the lanolin and gently heat the almond oil and glycerin together. Slowly pour the oil and glycerin mixture into the lanolin, beating constantly. Dissolve the borax in the warmed rosewater and add gradually to the lanolin and oil mixture, beating all the time, Leave to cool. When cool and creamy, beat in the zinc oxide and rose oil. Spoon into prepared jars and label.
1 oz. Glycerin 2 tsp. oil of lavender
Put ingredients in a clean glass bottle and shake well. Refrigerate
Lady of the Night - Light Moisturizer
1/2 cup distilled water 3 tsp glycerin 5 drops fragrance oil
Pour ingredients into storage bottle and shake vigorously. Product can be used by applying with a cotton ball or by spraying the skin lightly and allowing to dry. Does not require refrigeration.
Lotions and oils both moisturize the skin, but commercial lotions contain water and emulsifiers as well as oils. Just two ounces of homemade oil will last for about a month.
For normal to oily skin, mix two ounces of jojoba oil (or cold-pressed olive oil) with 20 drops of patchouli oil and 10 drops of lavender oil.
Vitamin E oils moisturize, but essential oils travel through the dermis to the muscles beneath and have been proven to provide healing benefits.
For dry skin, combine 1-1/2 ounce avocado oil, 1/2 ounce of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of lavender essential oil and eight to 10 drops of rosewood oil.
Make a dry-skin lotion by mixing five ounces of rose water and three ounces of glycerin with 20 to 25 drops of lavender essential oil.
Here's a recipe for a make it yourself skin care treatment that will take the place of expensive
commercially prepared creams and lotions. It will cost you a lot less and give you the same, if not better, results!
Mix together in equal amounts petrolatum jelly and baby oil. You can heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds to soften the solution. There you have it - a simple and inexpensive concoction to use as a make up remover, dry skin treatment cream, and a hand lotion.
"I have been using castor oil on my face for 15 years. Just one drop on my finger, I put around my crow's feet and lines around my mouth. I am 68 and my daughter who uses commercial facial cream ,looks older than me. The same 4 ounce bottle has lasted 10 years. It doesn't stink or be sticky because I only use one drop. Many people comment on my beautiful skin."
Make Hand Cream As A Gift
A very inexpensive hand cream can be made with this recipe. I never buy any other kind anymore since I have made this. All items can be bought at the $1 store. Mix together with electric mixer, the following.
1 - 15 oz. bottle baby lotion 1 - 8 oz. jar of petroleum jelly 2 - 8 oz. jars of vitamin E cream
Fill clear jars, These make wonderful gifts! I make it for all my friends and they love it!
3 drops lemon oil 3 drops lavender oil 3 tsp of distilled water
After cleansing use a soft cotton ball to massage this toner into your skin. Follow with a moisturizer if desired.
Slick on a little almond oil to heal chapped lips or just add shine.
Homemade Eye Wrinkle Treatment/Formula
I found this oldie but goodie from our newsletter - a reader had submitted this much sought after recipe to treat eye wrinkles.
The ingredients are: Jojoba oil Primrose oil Carrot seed oil
Pour 1oz. Jojoba oil into a small dark glass bottle. Pierce 1 capsule of Primrose oil and squeeze into the bottle. Add 10 drops of carrot seed essential oil. Shake well. Place two drops under each eye and tap to spread. Don't get into eyes. It will keep for 6 months if stored in a dark, cool place.
Zit Buster! Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply to any breakouts. Let it sit overnight and wash off in the morning - it really works.
Facial Cleanser Sprinkle some baking soda into your hands and use a bit of water to make a paste to clean your face with. It's a gentle scrub that will leave your skin feeling fantastic! (I leave a box in the bathroom for just this reason.)
My citrus fruits get quite a workout! There are two things I do with the rinds, depending on what I need at the moment. One is to zest them, dry the zest in my microwave and put it through my miniature food processor. I keep a jar of it in the bathroom to use as a facial scrub and just keep adding to it whenever I can. Right now it is probably a mix of oranges, lemons, grapefruits and pomelo. Zesting is easier to do though before the fruit is squeezed, peeled, juiced, etc. The other thing I do instead of zesting is take the peels, put them in a saucepan covered with water, boil then let sit for several hours or even overnight, add a citrus EO (usually blood orange from Israel - smells heavenly) to enhance the scent and use as a facial freshener. Add some witch hazel if you want more of a toner.Most of my citrus fruits end up being juiced so after juicing I take the pulp and make masks, scrubs, etc.
1 cup 100% aloe vera gel 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
2 teaspoons glycerin 6-8 drops eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil
Blend well and store in a clean jar or bottle. Use as you would any store-bought sanitizer...
In the Bath Great for sensitive skin - sprinkle about a half cup of baking soda into lukewarm water while your bath water is running.
Exfoliate skin. Wash your face, then apply a soft paste made of three parts baking soda and one part water. Massage gently with a circular motion, avoiding the eye area; rinse clean.
Skin Blemishes: Cover blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. The honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works OVERNIGHT.
Sunburn Remedy:
At bedtime, cover sunburns with a towel soaked in water and vinegar and try to persuade the victim to sleep this way. Younger ones, of course, will have a struggle with this, especially because of the smell!
Put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on sunburn. It soothes for quite a length of time. Just like store bought stuff.
Vinegar will take the sting out of a sunburn - just soak a paper towel and apply to burn. Smells bad but, hey, if you're in pain, who cares?
To relieve swelling and fluid from too much sun, mix a paste of baking soda and apple cider vinegar and apply. This reader says it will draw out the fluid.
I met a girl who was told by her doctor to sit in the sun (she had some sort of skin problem). She was to use diluted red wine vinegar to keep from burning. She was out in the sun everyday of the summer and had a nice tan.(You have to understand that she lived in Phila., PA and I was visiting from FL).
When I went on a trip to the Keys to spend a lot of time on the water, I used a spray bottle filled with undiluted red wine vinegar. I had my friend spray my back occassionally while spraying the front more frequently. My back did get somewhat burned, but from head to toes the front of me was nicely tanned. (I did look really red from the vinegar, but after showering...ta da...tan) I'm not sure, but using the red wine vinegar has seemed to help me tan faster.
Remove eye makeup. Dab a little lemon juice under the eyes and rinse off with a washcloth.
Treat dry skin. Rub a thin layer of lemon juice over the skin after a shower or a waxing.
My dad is 77 years old and his skin on his face is just so smooth and soft looking. His secret is he uses vinegar for aftershave. Also if he gets any rashes or pimples he uses vinegar for that as well. He drinks apple cider vinegar, honey and hot water every morning. The vinegar odor goes away very quickly when he uses it for aftershave. He started this when he always broke out in a rash after using the regular aftershaves.
Spray your hands with a mist of vinegar, or dip them in vinegar and dry after washing dishes or having them in soapy water to keep your hands soft.
Facial Cleanser Sprinkle some baking soda into your hands and use a bit of water to make a paste to clean your face with. It's a gentle scrub that will leave your skin feeling fantastic! (I leave a box in the bathroom for just this reason.)
Once a week I treat myself to this most fabulous beauty treatment. I give my hair and scalp a massage with olive oil. Using a regular comb, comb it through my hair. This gives it unbeatable shine and it's never looked healthier. Leave it on for an hour or two. Wash hair as normal to remove oil and wrap hair in towel to dry. Then I run a hot bath. While the water's running I stand in the tub and scrub my face, body, and feet with a paste made of olive oil and salt- regular table salt. (This makes your skin extra soft, leaves it glowing, and has cleared up my acne.) Then I soak in the tub for 15 minutes.
The first time I did this everyone noticed "something different" about me but couldn't figure it out. I even got stopped on the street by another woman who asked me how I got such beautiful skin. So there... I've told my secret!
Hair Conditioner for smooth shaving! "Hair conditioner works great as a shave cream and guards against nicks just like Edge does. I discovered it quite by accident when my shave cream ran out."
Alternate Bath: Add 1/2 cup 35% hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup sea salt, 1/2 cup baking soda or Epson salts to water and soak.
Foot soak: Add 1 &1/2 ounces 35% hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon water and soak.
Here's a TNT tip for your legs. Use coconut oil. Use it for all your skin problems from dry skin, to burns, itches, scratches and bites. It nourishes your skin as well as heals. Remember one thing when you use it though. You only need to use small amounts as too much will just pool on your skin.
Coconut oil is the only oil/lotion we use on our skin.
Rosemary also is widely used in beauty products such as popular shampoos, facial washes and perfumes. Try making strong rosemary tea to use as a hair rinse, or to add to shampoos and conditioners. Soaking rosemary leaves in plain rubbing alcohol for several days can make a concentrated rosemary scent. Remove the leaves; if alcohol has partials in it, the mixture will need to be run through a coffee filter. Then simple allow the alcohol to evaporate and you will have potent rosemary sent.
Use a little baking soda with your normal hand wash to remove tough stains or odors.
Add 1/2 cups or more of baking soda to your bath water to soften your skin.
Use soda as an underarm deodorant.
To relieve sunburn: use a paste of baking soda and water.
Bug bites: use a poultice of baking soda and vinegar.
Bee sting: use a poultice of baking soda and water.
Windburns: moisten some baking soda and apply directly.
This is a wonderful after-bath powder to give as gifts, or you can use it everyday.
1 cup baking soda 1 cup cornstarch 10-20 drops of Rose essential oil, or essential or fragrance
oil of your choice Glass jar, to store
Combine the baking soda and cornstarch in a big glass jar. Add the essential oil, a few drops at a time, shaking very well after each addition. (You can use a small wire whisk or fork to get out any clumps.) Test the scent of the bath powder after each addition to get a powder that's perfectly scented for you. (Some people like a strongly scented product, others like a very subtle scent. It's up to you!)
Allow the powder to sit for about a day before using, to let the fragrance or essential oil completely absorb. That's it! This is a wonderful, simple recipe that you'll use for years to make your own wonderful bath powder!
Splash vinegar on your varicose veins. The vinegar is supposed to reduce the veins and relieve the pain and swelling. Of course, you might smell like a tossed salad!
Mix 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 1/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water. Store it in any old clean dropper bottle (like Visine eye drops) and use it to clean out your ears!! It also works fine on dogs and cats. As a matter
of fact my VET gave me this tip years ago when I had a cocker spaniel that got frequent ear infections. Just squirt 8-10 drops in ear holding head to side; let it stand in ear for a minute then drain. With my three dogs, while I'm holding their head tilted I message the ear around in a circle then tilt and wipe out with Kleenex; usually apply one a month or if they are ear scratching. My current VET laughed and said 'Well, I've got animal ear cleaning drops here and it only costs 8 dollars a bottle but what you are using seems to be working. Your dogs ears are certainly clean.' Warning: If applied daily for 3 days and dogs are still scratching or rubbing ears--see VET; they have mites or bacterial infection.
We use 1/2 tsp white distilled vinegar to 1 tbsp rubbing alcohol to prevent swimmers ear.
I have found that the vinegar bath also cures yeast infections, not only mine but also my infant daughter. My midwife suggested the vinegar bath while I was pregnant and it cured it and hasn't come back since. Twice daily and in about two days it's gone.
Put 1/2 cup vinegar into a pan to soak your feet in before a pedicure. It softens your skin.
When my brother got married in October, my now SIL hired someone to do makeup. I had mascara applied and I never wear it. After getting home that night, I could not find baby oil or vasoline to take it off and decided to use Olive Oil. Worked great and was probably better than baby oil or vasoline.
Olive oil can be used as cleansing cream if your skin is dry. When I pour it out there is always a drip-so I wipe it up with my hand and rub it in, my elbows are alot better now for it.
I put a few drops of olive oil in warm water to soak my nails before an at-home manicure.
Use olive oil as bath oil. Two to three tablespoons will do the trick.
For a hand scrub, rub in olive oil then scrub with sugar and wash.
Use olive oil to treat lice on children - better than the expensive treatments from the store and conditions the scale. Apply on hair, being sure to get into scales. I leave this on for at least 30 minutes, but it could be all day if you don't have any plans - then shampoo out. It might take 2 shampoos to get the oil out of hair. Use once a week as a conditioner and preventative. Olive oil smothers the lice. Once I started doing this on granddaughters hair the school never called us when others were sent home with lice.
To condition scalp on bald heads: rub with olive oil and then lay on a hot (not burning!), moist towel. When the towel cools, reheat in the microwave. Be careful not to get too hot. Continue doing this several times.
When I was home last summer (U.S.) and stocking up on my known remedies I asked the pharmacist where I could find the old fashioned 'sweet oil' that they put in ears for wax and ear aches. He said it was really olive oil that was used! Needless to say I did not bother to search the shelves any longer, as I have it in my cupboard.
For a facial, wet face thoroughly, then massage olive oil into your skin. Use about a half teaspoon of sugar and scrub your face with that, then wipe off gently with a warm, wet cloth until the sugar is all gone.
when Sol had nappy (diaper) rash, I tried commercial creams, and then - guess what - olive oil. It works better and is cheaper than specific nappy rash creams.
Natural Deodorant Sprinkle or pat on pure baking soda on your armpits for a natural deodorant.
Glitter your face for a holiday party.
Rub in a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing onto your cheeks, then dust lightly with glitter.
eye pillows are that nice little fabric bags filled w/flaxseed & lavender buds that you can heat in microwave & place over the eyes to help in relaxation and/or relieve a headache.
A wonderfully simple home remedy for cold sores (fever blisters): As soon as you realize you have a cold sore coming on, apply Witch Hazel to the site with a Q-tip. It will immediately stop the process, and prevents further spread of the blisters. Apply Witch Hazel frequently, and healing time is shortened to a fraction of normal healing time.
One of my children tends to develop a strong odor at the bottom of her feet.
Does someone know what causes this tendency (my other children don't appear to have the some condition) and what herbal remedies might be applied to address the cause or at least ameliorate the symptoms?
Extracts or essential oils of Peppermint or Tea tree ( meleleuca ) is very effective for that ....,, just rub it on the feet daily
Mouthwash: Use 3% hydrogen peroxide for germicidal mouthwash and throat gargle. While
cleansing the mouth and throat, it destroys the bad bacteria. It also helps to clear up periodontal disease. Watch how white your teeth become!
Toothpaste: Use baking soda and add enough 3% hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Or, just dip your brush in 3% hydrogen peroxide and brush.
Toothbrush: Soak your toothbrush in 3% hydrogen peroxide between brushings to kill bacteria and stop the passing of sickness to family members
Shower: Keep a spray bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the shower. Spray your body after washing to replace the acid mantel on your skin that soap removes.
Rejuvenating Detoxifying Bath: Add 6 ounces of 35% hydrogen peroxide to a tub of water. You may increase up to 2 cups. Soak at least 1/2 hour.
Wounds: Use it in 3% grade in a spray bottle for cuts and sores. Spray on frequently and watch them disappear.
Prevent ear infections: Pour a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide in each of your ears after swimming to prevent ear infections.
Astringent: Use 3% grade as an astringent on your face, neck and full body after bathing. Gets rid of acne FAST.
Athlete's Foot: Soak feet morning and night in 3% hydrogen peroxide until condition is improved.
Douche: Use it as a douche in 3% grade.
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a cup of warm water. Use it as a mouthwash.
Honey cleans teeth and dentures, and kills germs in the mouth.
Of course, we all know that honey is one of natures most delicious treats, but did you know that there are many topical uses for honey as well? Because honey contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, it is a wonderful beauty aid that nourishes the skin and the hair. For best results, use raw honey.
Raw honey is unprocessed and has up to 50 percent more vitamins than processed, or cooked honey.
Honey mixed with ground almonds makes an excellent facial cleansing scrub.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water to relieve acid indigestion or
Toothpaste : Again, make a thick paste and apply to your toothbrush and use as you would any other toothpaste. It's a great non-fluoride option.
Once a Month Plaque Remover (Submitted by Paula) I also use a baking soda tooth scrub once a month. It really cleans the plaque off your teeth.
Mix some baking soda with water and use as a mouthwash.
Gargle with 1/2 tsp. baking soda in 1/2 glass of water. Freshens and cleans your mouth.
Used as a mouthwash, baking soda will also relieve canker sore pain.
To remove strong odors from your hands, wet your hands and rub them hard with soda, then rinse.
Sprinkle soda in tennis shoes, socks, boots and slippers to eliminate odor.
Make Your Own Lipstick Compact With Leftover Lipstick
My tip is for being able to use the last of lipstick tubes. You take a pill box that is labeled for the days of the week. Then you dig out the last remnants of the tubes of lipstick and you put one color per compartment. In the last compartment, you put vaseline. Now you have your own custom lipstick compact. Just use your lipstick brush and mix and match any of the colors for your own special look and then use the Vaseline for the glossy finish.
Use Aloe Vera To Make Eyebrow Gel
Here is a great idea I found while searching (and searching...) on the net for a way to make my own eyebrow gel. The stuff out now is so expensive! Just mix a tiny bit of aloe vera gel (from the dollar store, of course :) with a dark eyeshadow that suits your brows. Mix on the back of your hand and apply with brow brush. I was so excited about this because the person who suggested it is Annastasia who is selling the most famous eyebrow kit and is considered a brow "expert" to the stars!
I nurse my daughter who has extremely sensitive skin. It seems that everytime I turn around, I have eaten something that breaks her out. I started giving her vinegar baths. I run her bath water and pour about a cup of apple cider vinegar in. It has been weeks now and her skin is smoother than it has ever been.
For cleaning dentures - leave your dentures in vinegar for as long as you would leave them in a denture cleanser - about 15 minutes to half an hour, or longer, if you wish. Then brush them thoroughly. Your dentures will be cleaner and whiter than a proprietary dental cleaner can do it!
My grandmother swears by vinegar as an antiseptic for abrasions,to reduce itch from poison ivy or mosquito bites,and even to help rehydrate sunburned skin.
She also uses it diluted 50/50 as a skin cleanser as most soaps are alkaline as compared to skin ph.
I know that TTO is very drying which why I do not use it 'neat' anywhere on my body unless I have an infection, cut or blemish etc.. I always use a body lotion with only a 5% concentration of TTO in it when I am using my moisturizer (which is everyday). I have been using the moisturizer on my feet because I am subject to fungal infections on my feet and hands because I spend so my time in the garden and the TTO keeps these fungal infections in check for me.
Puffy eyes - Preparation H (Be careful not to get it into your eyes.)
Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
Paper cut - crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of sutures at most hospitals)
Stinky feet - Jello!! (made)
Athletes feet - cornstarch
Fungus on toenails or fingernails - Vicks vapor rub
Body paint - Crisco mixed with food coloring. Heat the Crisco in the microwave, pour into a empty film container and mix with the food color of your choice!
Applying Eye Shadow as Smudge Proof Eyeliner
For easy to apply, smudge proof eyeliner, just use eye shadow applied with either a slightly moistened sponge eye makeup applicator or a cotton swab. I prefer to use dark brown eyeshadow applied with a cotton swab. The best thing about using a cotton swab is that they are relatively inexpensive (usually 150 for $1) and you can toss it once you are done. Source: The cotton swab package does state it can be used for makeup application.
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